Centrally located on Honshu, Japan’s main island, Aichi Prefecture is known to locals as the ‘heart’ of Japan. Overflowing with rustic charm, a colourful past and distinctive crafts, it’s an ideal destination for mature travellers wanting to enjoy a calmer and slower pace.
Situated 260km from Tokyo and 170km from Kyoto, Aichi is often overlooked by many travellers. However, meaning ‘Love Knowledge’, this melting pot where Japanese charm meets innovation and technology is the ideal region to slow down, rest, relax and rejuvenate after spending time in Japan’s major cities.
One of the country’s most diverse destinations, Aichi Prefecture offers a perfect mix of coastal and inland attractions all year round. With easy access on the Shinkansen train route from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto, it’s well worth adding to your bucket list and spending a few days exploring this region.