Nannette’s Memoir

Nannette’s debut book was The Sting of Fate, published in October 2010. Originally penned as a novel, so as not to offend anyone, the story followed much of her new life and love of living in France. The book was with the printer when her life did an about-face and they would allow only minimal changes. However, it became a NABE Pinnacle Book Adventure Romance Achievement Award-Winner and was officially listed by USA Best Books Awards for 2011 in two categories – Best New Fiction and Fiction: Romance. Readers described it as:

“A powerful, passionate, captivating and painfully truthful modern tale of love and adventure, with wonderful pen pictures of regional France and Canada. It highlights the heroine’s resilience, inner strengths and enduring passion for life – truly inspirational.”

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A few years later, Nannette wanted to correct the story. Having been told that many other people would benefit from her experiences.



iPlot is an electrifying depiction of two average people thrown headlong into a murder plot exacted on Australia’s first female leader. When Derek and Beth inadvertently pick up someone else’s iPad while going through airport security, they find themselves embroiled in an assassination plot against the Australian Prime Minister.

Putting it Wright

Putting It Wright covers the life of Captain Graham Wright who joined the Royal Australian Navy at the age of 13. It documents his experiences in Palestine, Malta, Turkey and adventures during World War II in the Mediterranean, Madagascar, South-East Asia and most importantly Archangel and the truth behind a secret meeting with Stalin in Moscow by Sir Walter Citrine, UK Trade Union Congress leader, under Churchill’s order in 1941. No other book in history has ever exposed this detail.